
The Tenth Doctor Introduces My New Blog Header

November 9, 2010

I would read this comic.

I was toying around, trying to create a new header image for my blog, when I came up with this comic-book style image featuring David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor. I just grabbed a random sketch to use in the image to kind of visualize the comic-book cover theme I was going for. I settled on the top of the comic cover as the new header, but I liked the whole Doctor piece enough to want to post it on it’s own. The original Doctor sketch is a few months old, but I think the digital work I did on it looks pretty good. I really like the fake comic-book template, so I’ll probably be using it again in future posts.


If It Were Animated-The Opie & Anthony Show

November 9, 2010

From L-R: Gregg "Opie" Hughes, Anthony Cumia and Lil' Jimmy ("Yimmy") Norton


I’m a big fan of Opie and Anthony, and especially Jimmy Norton. I was listening to the show the other day and this just popped into my head. There’s a lot of great O&A animation on YouTube, but since I lack the know-how to create animation of my own I’ll just settle for using my animated-style characters as a banner for the show. If I WAS going to do an O&A animation, this is what it would look like. Enjoy.


Happy Halloween From Zombie Linus!

October 31, 2010
Zombie Linus

It's possible I'm deranged.

 Well, it’s Halloween, my favorite holiday. As I sat here contemplating the existence of the Great Pumpkin and anticipating tonight’s premiere of the awesome-looking new zombie show “The Walking Dead”, this is what sprang into my mind.

The story here is pretty simple: Linus always assumes that when (never say “if”) The Great Pumpkin arrives it will be a cause for joy and celebration. But what if he’s wrong? What if The Great Pumpkin is actually some sort of Lovecraftian eldritch abomination? What then, hmmmmmm? And that led me to this image. Linus waits patiently on Halloween night as he always does, and his loyalty is finally rewarded. But Linus is forever changed by the experience, and what shambles out of the pumpkin patch is no longer Linus…it is this twisted harbinger of the zombie apocalypse. Good grief!

Oh, and if you’re wondering where Sally went, he already ate her. Happy Halloween.


Pulp Buffy #2-The Harvest

September 8, 2010

The Slayer Goes Pulp #2: The Harvest


Pulp Buffy #1-Welcome To The Hellmouth

September 8, 2010

The Slayer Goes Pulp #1: Welcome To The Hellmouth


New Blog

September 7, 2010

I know no one’s reading this now, but hopefully that will change over time. I plan to use this as a venue to display my artwork. I’ll also post some photomanipulations that I do, but those are just for fun.



Till next time!
